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Page history last edited by Will Johnson 14 years, 7 months ago

Beetlejuice, a movie starring Alec Baldwin as "Adam Maitland", Geena Davis as "Barbara Maitland", Jeffrey Jones as "Charles Deitz", Catherine O'Hara as "Delia Deitz", Winona Ryder as "Lydia Deitz", Sylvia Sidney as "Juno" ("your case worker")


co-starring Robert Goulett as "Maxie Dean", Dick Cavett as "Bernard" (Delia's agent), Glenn Shadix as "Otho", Annie McEnroe as "Jane Butterfield" (real estate agent)

and Michael Keaton as Beetlejuice

directed by Tim Burton


Watch it on YouTube 

Complete Playlist (relinked again as of 3 Mar 10)

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